To practice a marketing technique effectively, it is important to be thorough with the basics. What do you understand by marketing through emails? Just creating an email list and sending commercial emails? If your understanding of email marketing is limited to this, you can never succeed with this one. Hence, today we are going to tell you what the 5 C’s of email marketing are.
Promotion through emails has existed as a digital marketing method since the dawn of eCommerce. New tactics developed and the old ones died out. However, email marketing has stormed the weather for years. And frankly, we don’t see it going anywhere for a long time to come.
There are several benefits of email marketing. You can easily reach your target audience through emails and market your brand money-saving yet very effective way. Regardless of the size and type, email marketing is suitable for almost every business. Moreover, it is very easy to get started with and measure. Businesses that practice effective email marketing not only enjoy higher ROI but also increased revenue.

Hence, it should be an indispensable part of your digital marketing strategy. With that, let’s help you understand email marketing better by familiarising you with the 5 C’s.
5 C’s of Email Marketing
Before beginning with that, it is important to know that email marketing is one of the extensions of content marketing. It is through your content that you communicate with your target audience. Therefore, the success of your email marketing campaign is largely dependent on the quality of your content. Hence, the 5 C’s of email marketing revolve around content. You will find that out in the list below.
1. Clarity
Clarity is important when writing a promotional email. Or else, your audience won’t be able to understand your proposition. As a result, your efforts will go wasted. Therefore, you should make sure to create content in a way that it communicates your key message in clarity.
For example, if you want to tell your customer that their subscription dies in 2 days, you can use a simple and precise sentence in the email subject like—“ Your subscription ends in 2 days” or “Your services will be stopped from X (date)”
Creativity in content is good, and even crucial. However, it is important to make sure that you communicate with your audience clearly. Hence, you should refrain from using complex language. It is most of the time best to use simple words and language structure when communicating with your audience through emails.
However, make sure to not confuse simple with dull. To keep your content clear yet engaging, you’ll have to strike the right balance.
2. Completeness
An email to be deployed for marketing should be complete. What does that mean? It means that you shouldn’t leave any loose ends in your email. When you give an opening statement, make sure to close the subject properly.
Continuing the example given above—after telling your customer that their subscription is ending, it is important to tell them the consequences in case they fail to subscribe again. You’d need to tell them what services they will miss. Moreover, you should give them the right CTAs for renewing their subscription (or for opting out altogether). If you fail to do so, your email won’t solve a problem. And for effective marketing, customer problem solving has to be central.
3. Correctness
Maintaining correctness is another crucial aspect of email marketing. While it may sound obvious, surprisingly, many don’t think much of its language accuracy outside blog posts and the likes. If you think no one would notice, you’re wrong. In fact, grammatical and structural errors in your email can leave a very bad impression. Moreover, it looks very unprofessional.
Hence, it is important to make sure that grammar and structure are to the point throughout the email content. Proofreading is important. For aid, you can use tools like Grammarly that will not only help you spot grammatical errors but will also give suggestions for improvement.
4. Courtesy
Courtesy is an important element that should be reflected in your email. Make sure you are not “cold” emailing your target audience. Or else, your email marketing efforts may mean nothing.
Indeed email is more on the formal side. However, being too formal that you come across as cold is bad for your marketing campaign. If the audience doesn’t feel warm and welcomed by your email, they won’t be interested to engage with your business any further.
So, make sure your email has a polite and friendly tone.
5. Concision
Concision is an important writing principle. It aims at communicating the message by employing the least words possible. The idea is to eliminate every possible redundancy.
For effective email marketing, it is important to keep your message precise and to the point as much as possible. Upon failing to do so, you may confuse/bore out the reader and end up losing them mid-way through your email. Moreover, if you leave such an impression with your emails, they are never going to open your future emails. Hence, it is best to keep your emails short and crisps.
Now, this doesn’t mean that in order to use lesser words, you end up creating complicated sentences. A sentence that has too much going in it can also be confusing and discouraging to read. Hence, the concision of the sentence length is more important than that of the whole email.
As we all know email marketing is an most effective part of digital marketing. If you want to do effective email marketing, it is important to follow these 5 C’s as mentioned above. The 5 C’s namely Content, Completeness, Correctness, Courtesy, and Concision help make your message more meaningful and engaging. Only by following these basic rules, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of email marketing. Hence, it is important to go by the 5 C’s of marketing to lead a successful marketing campaign.
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