I began my new role as a digital PR executive in Aira just one week before the lockdown (big time I know). When I got a call to say that I will begin my new position at home, my immediate Digital Marketing Company in Bournemouth thought was ‘Uh oh’.
I’m afraid that I will not be able to settle in properly and that I would not feel like the right team members – would I even know what on earth to do? But Slack and Zoom are things that are beautiful and while it did not come without its challenges, I have learned a significant amount of current.
Here are some of the challenges that I face and the key thing I have learned in my first three months of working remotely in Aira:
Organization is key
Everyone who has ever worked in an agency will know that organization is the key to staying on top of your to-do list. The main thing I learned in my first three months, Aira is to plan my day, every day.
I think I was the one who organized until I started Aira – I work in an agency before but never as ’employees’ right, and as an intern I always felt I got a non-essential job. Now that I am an employee of the right, I get all the good stuff, which means that I have to prioritize tasks every day to make sure everything is done on time.
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Mapping out my day to hours actually worked and helped me focus, I know I only have an hour or more to perform certain tasks.
Outreach in the morning
In some roles, you can mark your to-do list in any order you like, but as a digital PR, a little more thought should go into it. Outreach in the morning may sound like an obvious thing to some, but for me it was a revelation.
At first, my outreach to reporters in the afternoon and even before I was about to ‘go home’, and I would not see a reply until morning.
Outreach in the morning means you have all day to reply to reporters when they come back to you, instead of rushing out a response that may cost a very important link. Sending pitches in the morning is not only good for the to-do list, but also for journalists. Journalists want stories before their morning meeting – so beneficial for both sides to get there early.
Do not be discouraged if you do not get a direct link
Soon after I sent my first pitch to reporters, I expect the link to just roll on in (even though I already have experience in building links and know this is not always how it works). I was a little disappointed when the links that come to others, and not for me. I have to remember, it was a difficult time for everyone – journalists included, which can mean a link that hard to come by. When I get my first link though, it was better because it means I must have done something right.
Lockdown challenge
While I feel I have adapted well to working from home in a new role, there are some challenges. In a company of about 40, I only met a few people in real life. Again, Slack and Zoom is a good friend of mine, and I often forget that I am talking to people I had never met before.
Group chat is a real fear – I did not realize it was the case until I get it. Send messages and notifications upwards of 40 people I have ever met? No, thank you. This power sound like a small thing, but when you start a new company, you need to ask a lot of questions, so it is a challenge that I needed to get faster.
I find that it is a good balance to make sure I do not send too many messages and bombarded people, while making sure I got the help I needed for everyday tasks. But culture in Aira means that as time has gone by, I’ve been encouraged to ask more questions and ask for support when I need it. When it comes to larger, full-body Digital Marketing Companies in Bournemouth Slack chat, send me occasional GIF for someone’s birthday – a small step.