As we are heading towards the end of the first quarter of 21st century, we have witnessed a massive jump in the use of technology and now internet becoming more accessible to people everywhere this jump has been observed in every field including Science & Technology, Education and Marketing as well. Today’s hot topic is ‘Digital Marketing Mistakes.’ Surprisingly, many people don’t know that this term has been around for almost three decades. Yes you read it right. 1990 was the year when this term ‘Digital Marketing’ surfaced.
Those were the days when marketing used to be purely offline, with pamphlets being distributed door to door through newspapers and magazines and huge billboards showcasing big brands on them. These methods are still in use but the magnitude has come down with almost everything getting digitalized, businesses have also turned their faces to the digital world. More businesses are promoting themselves digitally, that’s called ‘Digital Marketing’.
Every business wants to grow fast but sometimes this eagerness can do more harm than good. People tend to make mistakes when they have less knowledge about something. Here are mentioned 7 digital marketing mistakes to avoid so that you don’t get left behind.
7 digital marketing mistakes to avoid

⇴1. Aiming the wrong Audience
First thing is to know your audience. It would be a blunder to promote your business among the wrong audience. Let’s say, you run a website on gaming and you are targeting audience that is looking for some fashion related stuff then it would backfire instantly. It is important to check what kind of crowd your website gathers then find out the genuine customers and plan a strategy which caters to that audience which is really interested in your services. If you know your audience you can try to build a connection with them which creates loyal customers. Sometimes companies focus more on new customers due to which they end up losing their old loyal ones. It is necessary to give importance to existing customers as well.
⇴2. Absence of authentic content
The content that you provide should be genuine. Audience has become smart and aware these days everybody is looking for original content. People prefer those who provide totally authentic content which provides some valuable information to the user. High quality content draws more crowd.
⇴3. Ignoring the social media
Social media has become the most popular phenomena in the last decade since its inception in 2004 with Facebook. Earlier it used to be just a medium to connect with your friends and people around the world. But in recent years it has become an umbrella under which many businesses are taking shelter. Its importance cannot be underestimated. Getting your business onboard social media will definitely provide a breakthrough provided you promote your business well on social media and target the relevant audience.
Having a connection with your audience on social media gives a democratic atmosphere where they feel they have the freedom to criticize you or provide you with some suggestions which you can implement, so it’s an effective way to improve the shortcomings.
⇴4. Undermining your competitors
Over confidence is not at all a good quality to possess. It’s really necessary to be aware of the people you are competing with, their reach and their strengths and is equally important to find out their weaknesses as well which you can make your strength and establish yourself.
Underestimating your competitors can give them an upperhand to get one step ahead of you. Sometimes having a good rapport with your peers can be a good thing to remain in the game.
⇴5. Overlooking the Mobile Audience
This audience has been the most overlooked in the past. Most of the population is using internet on their mobile phones so it would be a huge mistake to ignore this massive audience. This aspect can make or break your brand. This can be learnt from big brands like Nike, Apple and even a huge e-commerce giant like Amazon they have focussed so much on making their website mobile optimized. Why? Because they have realized that their audience is just not limited to personal computers and laptops. A large section is waiting on their mobile phones. So making your business mobile friendly that is, it can be easily accessed through mobile phones is really important.
⇴6. Not Understanding the SEO practices
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most important aspect of digital marketing. Companies hire SEO executives to promote the company, their job is to use certain techniques to help the website rank higher in the ratings. Sometimes SEO is often undermined or not done effectively.
Some points should be keep in mind like the content should be tagged along with visuals, quality interlinking should be done, no loading tons of ads or irrelevant spam links, concise and precise meta description as well.
⇴7. Avoiding Innovation
Innovation has become popular these days so just creating new concepts is not good enough you need to keep reinventing your content and make sure that provide something unthinkable and out-of-the-box stuff which easily attracts the eye of the user. Uniqueness plus creativity is necessary to maintain. Anything which gets old loses its value, so it’s important to stay updated with the new trends and innovate your business also.
Now that Digital Marketing has become a necessity for a business to grow. It’s important to follow above mentioned points so that you stand out from the rest which is really important in present times, to stay relevant.
Read the article carefully to avoid these digital marketing mistakes. Keep reading for more useful article.