Marketing on social media is very crucial for every online business in the present-day world. How you tackle your social media can make or break your company’s marketing and online image. Therefore, it important to make sure that your social media marketing is on point. For that, it is important to know how to run a successful social media audit in 2021. So, read on to find out!
Marketing on social media has a lot of benefits in digital marketing. It can lead to increased web traffic, improved search rankings, high conversion, more brand awareness and loyalty, and much more. Thus, social media marketing has the power to greatly improve your online business.

However, at the same time, if it is not done right, it can have an adverse effect on your online business. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your social media handle is yielding the desired positive results.
Social media audit can help you with just that. It helps in evaluating your business’s social profiles and strategies and optimizing them. I know the word ‘audit’ can sound intimidating. However, in the case of social media, it doesn’t have to be.
In fact, social media audit is not difficult at all. With the right guide, you can do that very easily. And here’s the right guide for you!
Steps to Run a Successful Social Media Audit in 2021
# List all your social media accounts
The first and foremost step in social media auditing is to list all the accounts. And when I say ‘all’, I mean ‘all.’ This implies that each and every social media platform that you have an account on.
So, whether it is your Tumblr account that you never touched since you made it or your YouTube channel with 11 subscribers—all of this needs to be listed too. Taking care of all your accounts and pages is important for an effective social media audit.
# Complete brand information
Now when you have curated a list of all your social media accounts, this is the next step to take. Make sure that all the brand information is available on each of your social media accounts.
Make it a point that following brand-related information is available on your social media accounts:
#Specify your industry
#Tell what your business is about
#List your key products
#Place your unique value proposition clearly
#Your brand name and logo should be clear
#All the contact details should be present
#Audience should know where to find your physical establishment
#Accounts must contain links to the main website
These are some of the basic details about your business and brand that should be present on all your social media accounts. Such details are stored in profile pictures, timeline covers, and sections like ‘description’, ‘about’, ‘categories’, and so on.
Moreover, you must link your social handles with your website. Most social media platforms will provide you the option to include your website’s link so that your audience can navigate to it right from there.
So, make sure to fill out all these details for effective social media marketing.
# Consistency in all social media handles
This is another very important thing to take care of. When you audit your social media accounts, make sure that your brand information is consistent across all the platforms.
Therefore, it is best advised to keep your bios/about descriptions the same throughout all the platforms. Moreover, it is crucial to make sure that your brand name, logo, tagline, mascots, and so are the same across different social media platforms.
This is important for two reasons.
First, it will make it easier for customers to trust your business. Thus, it will increase their chances of engaging with your business and converting.
Second, it will also signal search engines that your business is legit. Hence, it may rank your website better. This is how it is also important for search engine optimization.
Therefore, when you audit your social media, make sure that there is consistency in the brand information spread across different social platforms. This is essential to help your business come across as credible and trustworthy.
# Content marketing and the nature of the platform
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on— social media platforms differ from each other in many ways. Facebook has users from almost every type of target market. On the other hand, social media marketing with Instagram can greatly help engage teenagers and young adults. At the same time, Linked is considered the best for B2B marketing. And for Twitter, it is the best for real-time updates.
Understand the strengths, weaknesses, and overall characteristics of different social media. Then make sure that your content marketing strategies are in sync with the nature of the particular platform. For example, make sure that your Instagram account’s content is visually aesthetic. This is so since Instagram is a visuals-focused platform.
The point is, you need to make sure that your content is relevant to the nature of the platform you are posting it on.
# Define specific goals for each platform
As I have said already in the point above, every social media platform is different. Therefore, it is important to define specific goals for them.
For example, Instagram is great for audience engagement. On the other hand, Facebook is great for customer relationship building and strengthening. Moreover, Facebook Marketplace is also a great platform to sell your product. At the same time, LinkedIn can help you with B2B linking. And YouTube marketing can help your business come across as a thought-leader.
Therefore, it is important to understand the unique features of different social media platforms and make sure that your set relevant goals for them.
Final Word
Digital marketing on social media platforms is crucial for a business with an online presence. And to maintain a healthy social media marketing campaign, it is important to run a proper audit. Having read the article till here, you will realize that social media ‘audit’ is nothing to be intimidated by. You can simply do this with the help of the steps given above. It all comes down to maintaining complete, accurate, and consistent information throughout all social platforms.