A landing page is a crucial part of any outbound or digital marketing campaign. It greatly determines the success of your advertising and marketing efforts. It is the webpage where your visitor first arrives when he/she lands on your website. Therefore, online businesses need to optimize their landing pages. To help you out on this one, we will talk about the ways you can design better landing pages for your website.
A landing page is that page on your website where your visitor lands by clicking on a search result, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement. Therefore, it is also known as the “lead capture page”. The key purpose of this page is to convert visitors into leads and buyers. Therefore, it is an essential element of inbound marketing and search engine optimization.
An optimized lead page can help accelerate quality lead generation and conversion. Hence, an un-optimized landing page is a wasted opportunity. So, you need to design your landing page in such a way that it captures maximum leads. Below are the..
Ways to design better landing pages for websites

1. Minimalist design
Some think that having a very extravagant landing page design can impress audience. While the fact is that if its design is too complex, it can overwhelm the visitors and they’d end up leaving the page. On an average, you have just 8 seconds to capture your audience’s attention. This is because generally, audience decide within 8 seconds whether or not they want to engage with a website. If a page has even a slightly difficult layout, it can exhaust most customers and they’d leave your website. Therefore, it is important to keep a design that is engaging yet simple.
Now, this shouldn’t be mistaken as putting no efforts in design at all. In fact, minimalistic design requires much more thought than the other. You have to make sure that your page looks elegant and classy along with being simple and easy to engage with. Moreover, doing too many things at once can make your page distracting. Therefore, keep a neat and simple layout for your webpage.
2. Effective CTA
Call to Action buttons are the mainstay of a landing page. It is these buttons that guide customers on how to take a particular action. If you make CTA elements in your landing page even slightly hard to understand/use, your visitors will not know what to do and they’d end up leaving your website. And naturally, you will lose your leads. Therefore, it is important to place CTA in such a way that it is easy and even encouraging to take action.
For this, have your objective clear. What actions are you seeking from your visitors? There are different CTA buttons for different types of actions. Do you want them to avail a coupon, make a purchase, subscribe for your emails, sign up into your website, or download a particular file? Identify your objective clearly and create CTA accordingly. One very important thing to make sure is your CTA buttons are to the point and simple. Save your complex creativity for other content marketing tasks. Here, you need be as straightforward as possible. Some of the best examples of CTA buttons are- “Buy now”, “Subscribe”, “Learn more”, “Sign up free”, etc.
3. Employ visual media effectively
Even a minimalistic design requires effective use of visual media. Images and videos appeal to humans more than any other media. Therefore, it is important that you use due visual media types in your website. It will not only help you impress your audience but can also help your website’s SEO as you can optimize your images and videos accordingly.
Therefore, make sure to use high-definition and engaging visual media. You can use anything from images to info-graphics, animations, videos, etc. If you don’t want to use visual media exclusively, you can blur them a little and put them in the background. This is a very effective design that many contemporary online companies use.
4. Keep the length of your forms short
Filling long forms can be discouraging and can make your leads turn away. Therefore, it is important to keep your forms as short as possible. Make sure that the form you put on your landing page requires least details possible. For this, you should use different tools and cookies to track your visitors’ information so you’d be required to ask lesser questions.
However, having certain information on leads is important for digital marketing agency in Manchester. So, instead of intimidating your visitors with a one long form, break that form into pieces and place them on different levels according to your customers’ journey. This way, you will be able to refine your lead generation process through your landing page design.
5. Test your webpage
To examine the success and efficiency of any and every marketing efforts, it is important to monitor their performance. Checking your landing page’s performance is important to identify problem areas, rectify errors, and maintain the efficiency of your page.
The best way to test your landing page is A/B testing. This method of testing uses two almost identical designs and runs them both. But these designs have some key variation that makes all the difference. Then, the design that yields better results is kept and the other one is discarded. This is the most effective ways of testing digital marketing and advertising efforts.
Final word
Landing page is an important part of both inbound and outbound marketing. This is the page on your website where your visitor lands first. Therefore, it is important to have a landing page design that encourages your visitors to further engage with your business. To get the most out of your landing page, make sure to use a minimalist design, effective CTA, engaging visual media, and short in length forms. Moreover, it is crucial to test your page’s efficiency. The best way to do so would be A/B testing method. This way, you’ll be able to get the best out of your digital marketing and SEO efforts. Find the answers you were looking for? Leave a comment and let us know what else we can help with.