Video marketing has become an important part of Digital marketing. And it is not new. Actually video marketing has been around for a long time now but the rise of it on the online platform is recent. Video is a great way of communication with the people. And it is a well established fact that video content is the most famous and most preferred type of content among the audience. YouTube is the best example of it. Many other social media platforms have started including video content on their platform. For instance, Facebook and Instagram now has the live streaming feature.
Because video content is more likely to stay longer in the audiences mind and it impacts people’s decision more rather than the other types of content. It captures the audiences attention more easily. You can enhance the growth of your business by promoting your products through high-quality, professional video content. There are various types of content that you can create for your business. But it is important to know about the differences in the types of video you can create for video marketing. As we are aware of the impact of video marketing on SEO.
So, let’s see the five types of video you can create for video marketing.
5 types of video for video marketing

After you learn the details of video marketing and how you can start with video marketing then you are good to go to the next step. Here are listed 5 types of video you can create for video marketing
1. Videos of products
This video showcases your best selling products or services and their features. This type of video content is to attract new customers who are in the stage of product research. This is an introduction of your company and products to them. This video should tell all the necessary details of your product. It should inform them about the necessity and usability of the product. The video should also tell the audience why it is better than the other brands out there. This will help you increase customer confidence in your brand.
These videos should not be very long as nobody would like to see a long video, they are generally 30 seconds long. And they can be shared on your social media accounts, your website, sent to your subscribers via email or through paid advertising.
The quality of video and sound production should be top notch. Use engaging music, voice-over and dialogues to attract and communicate with the customers.
2. Social content videos
These are short videos created for social media platforms only, for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. They include beautiful shots of your product, they also include lifestyle shots with your products. They are usually engaging, fun and playful.
Keep them limited to 30 seconds. You can use tools to make them more creative and engaging. You can add aspects that are unique to social media like muted auto-play and video looping. These videos can also highlights reviews and customers feedback which will enhance your brand credibility.
3. Commercials
This is the most common and a very old type of video used for marketing. You must have seen tons of commercials on TV even when the internet wasn’t around or wasn’t much popular. These are usually more detailed and eye grabbing showcasing your product and ends with clear Call to Action.
They can be between 30 seconds to one minute long. Make sure they provide the relevant information to the new customers. They are usually more catchy and memorable. People don’t easily forget these kind of commercials.
They have beautiful and catchy jingles which people can’t easily forget. They are distributed via paid advertising on TV or on online platform as well.
4. Explainer videos
They are usually more long than the social media content and commercial videos, generally three minutes long. The reason being is their purpose. Their purpose is more than looking attractive to the audience. They focus more on convincing people why they need it and how it will solve their problem. They explain the importance of the company and its brand. These end with a strong call to action and offer a easy solution to a difficult problem.
It is important to make sure that these videos answers three questions
- What is the problem that your audience is facing?
- How your product or service will solve their problem?
- Why your audience should choose you over others?
5. Corroborations
This is the strongest and most demanded video type. This features experiences of older and current customers of your company. They explain how your product helped them. Reviews and feedback are so important these days. People likes to see review of a particular product before they decide to buy it. No matter how much good you speak or show about your brand. Real people experience is stronger than that and it always helps the audience in their decision-making.
Many customers have admitted that they make their decision whether they want to buy a product or not after going through the reviews and feedback of that product by other customers. If the reviews are satisfactory they are more likely to buy the product. Reviews increase your company credibility and authenticity.
These videos are usually 30 seconds to two minutes long. They feature happy and satisfied customer reviews. The important thing is that the reviews should be authentic and original. They should not look fake and paid.
To wrap up
Video marketing has many advantages over other forms of marketing. The level of communication between a business and its customers is more strong. So, it is necessary for you to produce the best video content in order to grow your business.