Online market is one dynamic domain. Thus, there are new trends every year. What was a great digital marketing strategy a few months back might just now be a goof. To ensure your business is ready for the New Year, get your hands on top SEO strategies to win in 2021.
Google is continually updating search algorithm and making various other search related changes to improve user experience. This search engine giant is basically at the centre of SEO. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the new trends that it brings and plan accordingly.

Year 2020 has greatly redefined the way digital market works. Now, there are more online shoppers. Most digital customers are mobile users. The love for scrolling has only increased. And online visibility is all the more important now. All this just to broadly name a few significant developments.
But the most important thing is many businesses have been digitalised over the last year. So naturally, the competition for virtual visibility has got way tighter. This has set new standards for search engine marketing. Here some of the best tips that can help you strategize better for SEO.
Be 2021-ready with these winning SEO strategies
– Optimize for local reach

It’s a known fact that Google is constantly looking for ways to improve its mobile users experience. This is because most of the internet searches are run through smartphones. Local 3-pack is one such feature of Google that shows best 3 local options available on zero-click. Apparently, local searches are seldom run from desktops. Thus, this feature specifically conveniences mobile users.
Appearing on local 3-pack can be really beneficial. Businesses listed here are easy to navigate and contact with important information displayed along. Thus, instead of working on your global reach, direct your SEO strategies on local reach. Thus, for 2021, optimize for local reach and enjoy higher visibility and traffic.
– Ensure mobile friendliness

Be it for work purposes, information or entertainment, internet is mostly accessed through mobile phones. While mobile friendly websites have been trending from a last few years, it has become quite a norm. Moreover, Google now penalizes sites that are hard to access on mobile phones. Thus, it is important to have a mobile friendly site.
For mobile optimization, there are a number of things you can do. Start with a responsive web-design. Use simple UI. Improve website loading and page speed. Integrate lazy loading. Do everything that is possible to make your website mobile friendly. You should be more concerned about how your website looks on smartphone than it does on desktop.
– Optimize for voice search

The advent of innovations like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, there’s been a rise in voice enabled search. The fact that it is ridiculously easy and convenient has made voice search so prevalent. People are rapidly getting comfortable with commanding their device through their voice instead of typing. The trend is only going to become bigger in 2021.
Thus, while doing search engine optimization for your business, it is crucial to optimize for voice search. Understand that keywords for a same query tend to vary when typed and spoken. For example, a person may type “best digital agencies in Chennai” but when speaking, it may be something like “what are the best digital agencies in Chennai?” Thus, your content should employ more of conversational language. Moreover, you should integrate an FAQ page in your website and use long-tail-keywords. This will enhance your chances of appearing in the top results.
– Image and Video optimization

Images and Videos are important factors of a website’s content. You can’t retain your visitors without appealing to their visual senses. This is why including visual media is crucial. Thus, just as you do with your written content for visibility, you should also optimize other media on your website.
To optimize your visual media, use high definition files, always add caption, include keywords in alt text and title text, optimize the file name, find a suitable platform for your videos, create customized thumbnails, optimize for mobile and upload quality content. Image and video optimization is a must for your website in 2021.
Final word
Like every year, 2021 has brought new trends for SEO. As some of the top trends have it, local reach, mobile friendliness, voice search and visual media are going to be important factors determining virtual visibility. Thus, it is important to optimize your website accordingly to make sure your business stands out this year.
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