LinkedIn is inarguably the best social media platform for businesses. Yes, it’s actually the best social media platform and beats out even popular sites like Facebook and Twitter when it comes to business. This is so as it allows them to gain credibility, build meaningful networks and also help them skim the cream from a vast pool of talented individuals seeking to be hired and recruited. Provided that, over a 30 million companies use LinkedIn for their business.

However, LinkedIn is not limited to business networking, B2B linking or recruitment, there’s much more. It can also be proven a great digital marketing tool if used correctly. LinkedIn can be a great way of promoting your business and generating leads.
If you still don’t have your company out there on LinkedIn, you’re simply missing out on a lot.
In this article, we’re going to show you how you can milk the most out of LinkedIn and step up your marketing game-
9 Tips For Powerful LinkedIn Marketing
#1. LinkedIn Company Page is a Must!
If you don’t have a Company Page for your business on LinkedIn, you’re already far behind in the race. Get a LinkedIn company page immediately! Having a Linked company page has become a sort of unsaid rule for the current business world. Why still row your boat to the end when you have a jet-ski?
#2. Post Quality Content
Once you have set up a linkedIn page for your company, the next step apparently is to post content. In LinkedIn, you can write articles and also upload pictures and videos. However, LinkedIn is different from other social media networking sites. And remember, you are here to create a relevant network of links for your business and generate leads. In the professional world, LinkedIn is taken very seriously. Thus the impression that your LinkedIn page leaves may carry a serious weight on determining what impression your business leaves. Publish articles with catchy headlines and post arresting photos and videos to grab attention of your prospects. Make sure you don’t take your company’s LinkedIn Page lightly.
Pro tip-Don’t post long articles on LinkedIn. Instead, share precise excerpts along with the link to the main article on your website to attract more traffic.
#3. Use LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences Tool
There is a prevalent hesitation in using LinkedIn’s ads because many think that advertising on LinkedIn is ineffective. This perception is justifiable because initially LinkedIn ads weren’t all that effective. However now, LinkedIn ads have greatly improved and can be a great help in generating leads. Matched Audiences tool is a recent addition by Microsoft that helps improve LinkedIn as an advertisement platform. It’s a well known fact that marketing doesn’t end at the end of the conversion funnel. It is equally important to maintain the customers that you have gained and turn them into buyers again. With this tool, you can retarget the existing customers in your sales funnel. It can turn out to be a great digital marketing move in generating more leads.
#4. Put LinkedIn Search Filter to Use
LinkedIn is basically famous for its B2B marketing opportunities. One right connection with a company can help you boost sales. If you want to connect with a company, instead of approaching the company’s LinkedIn Page, search for the person holding a position in the stated company that might be helpful to you. LinkedIn search lets you search for individuals with impressive accuracy with filters like location, mutual connections, current companies (that the individual may be working in) and so on.
#5. LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn Groups is a great source for connecting and interacting with like-minded people and with business organizations in your niche. LinkedIn has significantly improved the interface and features of its groups and so LinkedIn groups are no longer the mess they used to be. In fact, it has become an excellent means of connecting with the professionals in your industry. You can have meaningful discussions with, ask questions and get insights from the professionals and build relationships with them, all for free!
#6. Create Your Own Group
Having emphasized on the importance of LinkedIn groups, it can be a great idea to have one for your own business. A good LinkedIn group ownership can have a substantial positive impact on the company’s social image in the digital market. By efficiently leading a LinkedIn group, your company can come out as a leader in your industry.
#7. Put InMail to Use
InMail is an important part of effective LinkedIn marketing. The only downside is that InMail is a paid LinkedIn feature. Although, the cost that you have to pay is very low in comparison to the benefit you get. InMail allows you to get personally in touch with relevant people and organizations on LinkedIn thus increasing your chances at getting reverted back. Moreover, it is observed that emailing through InMail is much more effective than other email services and has a higher response rate.
#8. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog
Yes, LinkedIn has a blog specifically dedicated to give digital marketers marketing solutions. The ever growing LinkedIn users currently amount to about half a billion. Through LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog, LinkedIn is trying to help it’s users achieve their digital marketing goals on their own platform. By following this blog, you can keep yourself updated on the efficient ways to optimize LinkedIn for marketing.
#9. LinkedIn Sales Solutions
Again, LinkedIn charges you for its Sales Solutions but it is a totally safe bet. LinkedIn Sales Solutions is an effective digital marketing service in Pune that helps you generate leads. With this, you can target, research and engage with prospects in a smooth manner. And LinkedIn Sales Solutions can accommodate any sized sales team!
To Put Precisely
LinkedIn is undisputedly the best social media platform for digital marketing along with being a great professional networking tool for business organizations. Although certain LinkedIn features are paid but when compared to their utility, the amount is more than worth it.
Looking for more digital marketing solutions? Check out more of our blogs here.