If you run a business then you might be wondering about different methods of marketing to grow it. It’s true that the conventional methods of marketing costs a lot more money. Now we have an another form of marketing that is not new but it gained a lot of popularity and importance in the last decade and that is Digital Marketing. I have discussed about Digital marketing in my previous articles also but in this article the focus will be on a type of Digital marketing which is Email Marketing and how you can start with Email Marketing. So, let’s get right into it.
No matter how many new platforms of online communication come and go, Email will never go out of style. In the present times, we are immersed in a vast frontier of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more. With more than 3.7 Billion users using Email, this platform generates the maximum amount of ROI than any online platform. And this is why more than 70 percent of the B2B marketers say that marketing through email list is their top objective.
Email marketing is a kind of online marketing where you can send information regarding your product and services to your potential customers through emails and which will help you to convert them into permanent loyal customers. This gives a huge boost to your business or company. This is an important strategy to make any SEO planning effective and efficient.
So if you are planning to get into email marketing then that is a brilliant move. Without wasting more time, let’s see how you can start with Email marketing.
Steps to start with email marketing

Here are listed the steps that you need to follow in order to grow your business with email marketing
Let’s dive right in
✱ Decide your objective of email marketing
Before starting anything you should be clear in your mind what do you want to achieve with it. Same is with email marketing before jumping to designing mails you need to clear your goal of email marketing. It is important because it is such a powerful tool to connect with your audience, you can’t afford to make any mistake. So, try to align your company’s goals with your goal of email marketing. Whatever your business is trying to achieve; reflect it in your mails. Your mail should not portray a wrong motto of your business. Determine your goal and then go on with that goal in mind and do everything in line with that objective.
✱ Select an email marketing service provider
After you have cleared your goals of email marketing in your head. Now the real work starts. If you are really serious about getting into email marketing, you need to approach an email marketing service provider. They will provide you all the help and information you need because it is important to know every detail of what we are getting ourselves into.
These marketing service providers will help you at every stage. They will be responsible for the automation of email delivery to a large number of contacts. They will also help you in making the right professional template for your email, tools to grow and manage your email list and you will also be able to track the contacts who are really interested in receiving your mails.
✱ Prepare the contact list for mailing
It’s better to start with what you have now. Initially you can just add contacts you already have to your mailing list. They can be your existing customers and the people you do your business with. Start with them then build list with new people. If you use social media you can urge your follower to join your mailing list and also suggests their acquaintances to do the same.
✱ Add those contacts to your email marketing account
Now that you have the list of people you want to send the mails and you have also created your email account. Start adding the contacts from the list to your email marketing account. You can upload contacts from a spreadsheet or you can simply import contacts from Gmail. It would be even better to prepare separate list of your customers based on their needs and preferences. This will help you in sending targeted mails to such customers.
✱ Create your welcome mail
A welcome email is the first message that your contacts will receive from you. Try to send a quality email because your welcome email will be your first impression on your subscribers. So write a warm greeting, include an brief overview of what they can expect from your business in future and give them a welcome offer.
Once you are done with this, the welcome mail will be sent automatically to all of your contacts in your mailing list.
✱ Use a good email template
You don’t need to be a designer to have a well designed template. You can take help from various online tools to get a great template. But make sure your template is attractive and eye catching. It should not look over the top but simple and pretty.
A multi-usable template would be a great thing for your email marketing. So use a template that you can send to every contact in your list. Your template should be web responsive and mobile responsive as well. Because a lot of people use mobile phones to check their emails. Add you business logo on the top of the email and include every necessary detail like company name, contact, address so that customer can contact you.
✱ Write compelling messages
This is the most important step for any email marketing process. You can have a beautiful template and everything but if you’re message is not compelling enough then the user will not look into it. So write a compelling message.You can make an outline of your whole message like
- the first thing you can write is the headline in which you need to put persuasive words, it will tell the user what you are offering them.
- Second thing you can write is how your offer will benefit or affect them as the mail body.
- And last you can include what they need to do in order to avail your services that is, add call to action.
✱ Proofread before you send
It is very necessary to proofread what you wrote because typos can happen with any body but if you don’t spell check it then your message will look very unprofessional. The image of your business depends on these small things too.
✱ Send and track
Now its finally time to hit that send button. After sending the mail don’t forget to track the mails, open rates, click through rate and unsubscribe rates. Analyze where you went wrong and then improve those shortcomings.
To wrap up
Email Marketing is not a path filled with roses. You need to put in a lot of efforts and time in it to make your business successful. You can’t sit back after sending those mails thinking your work is done infact your work starts there. After that you work a lot more to help your business grow.