The results that organically appear at the top of the SERP receive the highest click-throughs. Needless to say, this is a desirable scenario for every online business. Hence, eCommerce organizations invest heavily in SEO to keep their site’s ranking high. Apparently, as an online business owner/digital marketer, this must be one of your core concerns as well. That’s why today we are going to talk about ways you can keep your business ranking up on Google in 2021.
We optimize our website, run various campaigns, and do what not to keep our website’s ranking up. This is why search engine optimization should be one of your ton concerns. It allows you to achieve that desired spot on the SERP. Following are the reasons why you should optimize for high ranking-

- Create brand awareness
- Get more reach and visibility
- Increased traffic
- More leads
- Higher conversions
And these are just a few benefits to name.
Certainly, there must be a number of things you’d be doing right now to keep your site’s ranking up. However, digital marketing constantly evolves. Hence, every new year brings new trends. And based on those trends, marketers have to find out the best suitable ways for maintaining high Google rankings.
Just like that, we have curated a list of things you can do to keep your business ranking up in 2021.
Ways businesses can rank up on Google in 2021
# Make your website mobile friendly

It’s a known fact that for the past few years, Google’s been becoming exceedingly attentive to their mobile users’ needs. And why not? Most online browsing and shopping is done through smartphones. That is why it penalizes those websites that are hard to load on/access through mobile phones. Hence, it is important to optimize your website in a way that it becomes easily accessible using mobile phones.
Below are some of the ways this can be done-
- Have mobile responsive themes and designs
- Keep light images and CSS
- Get rid of pop-ups
- Use mobile plugins
…and so on.
# Weed out ineffective keywords

Keywords are the cornerstone of SEO. And hence, it plays an important role in a website’s ranking. It is by matching content’s keywords with the searcher’s keywords that Google ranks a website in the SERP. You must already be using particular keywords. However, to be prepared for the new year, it is important to rework it all.
As time changes, trends change, and so changes the ways how internet searchers use keywords. Therefore, you should reanalyze your existing keywords and stop using those which are not effective anymore.
# Get keywords that match the trend

Once you have removed the ineffective keywords from your list, this is the next thing to do.
As the digital marketing trends change, it affects keywords. Just like every new year, 2021 must have brought a new set of profitable keywords. Therefore, read and analyze the current trends in the digital market of your industry. Then, research your keywords accordingly.
This way, your business will be able to maintain high ranking this year.
# Do SEO for voice search as well

Giving voice commands is ridiculously convenient and easy. This is why more and more people are now becoming comfortable with it. Moreover, devices like the Alexa are also becoming popular. This is another reason voice search is getting bigger.
Therefore, you need to optimize for the voice search. There are a number of ways to do that. For example, people use language differently when running an internet search through typing and speaking. Hence naturally, keywords used when running a voice search would be different. Therefore, you would need to research and place keywords accordingly.
Moreover, people generally use voice search for asking questions. That’s why it is best advisable to maintain an FAQ page and optimize it accordingly.
# Visual media optimization

Visual media like images, video, etc. is a crucial aspect of any website. Using relevant keywords and all is good but if your media files are not optimized, it can seriously harm your site’s ranking. Therefore, you should make it a point to use optimized visual media files.
Some of the ways you can do this are as follows-
- Use high-resolution images
- Write SEO friendly alt tags and file names
- Don’t use heavy loading media
These are just some of the many ways you can optimize your images and videos. This way, you will also increase your chances of getting a high ranking in Google’s Image search through your optimized images.
# Maintain the quality of the content

Content is the king and continues to be so in 2021. This is why you should also revamp your content marketing program accordingly.
There are a few things that remain unchanged and are to gain all the more prominence this year. For example, maintaining EAT criteria remains a priority in content creation.
Moreover, you should understand the current digital marketing trends and produce content accordingly. Along with that, it is important to look for outdated content and update it.
This is one basic but crucial SEO practice to maintain a high ranking in Google SERP.
Bottom line
Every new year brings new digital marketing trends. Therefore, it is important to be through with them and strategize for SEO accordingly. If you are looking to rank your business up in 2021, make sure to optimize for mobile phones. Moreover, revamp your keyword placement program and optimize for voice search. And just like every year, the content remains the king. So, keep polishing your content marketing.
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