There’s been another unconfirmed Google algorithm update. This is the first time in this month that we’re hearing something like that. So, what is this another unconfirmed 19th March Google search ranking and algorithm update? Read on to find all that we know yet. Google’s search ranking algorithm update is basically a nightmare in the world of SEO. Google updates its algorithm almost every day for more than once. There are some of the other updates taking place in Google’s algorithm every other day. However, these updates don’t make much of a difference in ranking.
And then there are algorithm updates that have a far-reaching impact on Google search rankings. These are also called Google’s Broad Core Algorithm updates.
But why does Google bring these updates?
Google keeps experimenting with its search ranking algorithm so as to provide better results to the users. Its aim is basically to rank the most relevant result the highest.
So, why is it a nightmare for SEO?
If that’s something you’re wondering, you need to learn a lot about Google’s search ranking algorithm update.

What is Google Search Ranking & Algorithm Update?
Google updates its search ranking algorithm constantly. Some updates are minor and hardly make any perceivable difference. And then there are some updates that have a far-reaching impact on the search rankings.
As a result, sites experience fluctuations in web traffic. While some websites enjoy ranking and visibility boost, many websites see a drop in their rankings and web traffic.
According to Google, websites affected by these algorithm updates haven’t necessarily done anything wrong. Google just refreshes the organization of search results in order to improve the experience of searchers. Hence naturally, websites experience ranking and traffic fluctuations.
Unconfirmed 19th March Google Search Ranking & Algorithm Update
Last weekend, webmasters noticed fluctuations in their web traffic and rankings. However, this is not a new occurrence. Something like this has already happened more than once this month. We posted about an unconfirmed search ranking algorithm update a couple of weeks back this month. Since then, websites have experienced many algorithm update-like fluctuations.
Some websites saw a drop in ranking and web traffic. On the other hand, some saw a boost in their rankings and web traffic.
Just like that, websites were again swept by another wave of such fluctuations last weekend on 19th March. Below are some of the messages by different webmasters on WebmasterWorld:
“Noticing some odd behaviour on competitive keywords at the moment. Keywords are going from page 1 or 2 to not ranking, and remaining there for at least a few days, despite consistently ranking page 2+ for a year. Other keywords unaffected, just a few specific keywords. Some gradually recover, others haven’t started to yet (but it may be too soon).”
“So the indexation of said URL seems to be back to normal. Absolutely bizarre. Frightening that they can take away a page like that for a full day. At least I can get back to business as usual.”
“Some new updates? New articles not ranking well (got outranked by a #*$!ty site). I hope this is temporary.”
“High ranking website completely wiped out all of a sudden for keywords ranking. Like 60 keywords in top 10 to past 10th page! Anybody else seeing this!”
“Seeing an absolutely massive decline in traffic this morning…USA down 76%, UK down 17%, AU down 100%, overall searches down 53%. The whole week was down, but nothing like this. It’s only 8:15am here so perhaps it will recover somewhat, but is anyone else seeing massive dips?”
So, these were some of the messages from the conversation on WebmasterWorld on 19th March. Some of the webmasters started noticing these fluctuations from 18th March already.
These fluctuations were recorded by various SEO tools like SEMRush, Cognitive SEO, SERPMetrics, Mozcast, Accuranker, RankRanger, etc.
What does Google say about it?
Till now, there has been no confirmation in relation to these updates. As tweeted by John Mueller of Google:
“(Also, I’m not aware of anything launching around search ranking; just having a bit of fun)”
So, even the Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google doesn’t exactly know why this is happening. Here is more of what he said on Twitter:
“I think your thought falls into the “we make changes all the time” area. Sometimes small changes can have a big effect, true. I’m sure (& hope) we launched a bunch of changes this week, but I’m not aware of anything big enough that would cause people to see strong fluctuations.”
He said this as a reply to a tweet. So, this tells that according to Google, they haven’t done anything that would show such strong fluctuations. Supposedly, there has been some small change or update that had an impact Google couldn’t predict. Or did it?
Websites throughout the internet have been experiencing fluctuations in their SEO rankings and web traffic. It is a Google algorithm-like situation. However, there has been no confirmation from Google in this regard. However, the fluctuations noticed on 19th March isn’t the first time. There have been similar instances more than once this month. This is getting harder to predict. So, let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
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