Some people find short forms and acronyms quite a nuisance. However, if you intend to excel in any field, you need to be thorough with its jargon and lingos. The same goes for digital marketing. In fact, here even the most important terms, people rather use acronyms. And these terms are thrown around very commonly in this industry. So much so that even if you intend to work on a basic level, you will need to mug up a number of acronyms. This is why; we have created a list of 20 digital marketing acronyms you must know in 2021.
SEO, PPC, KPI, and what not— there is a big number of acronyms used in this industry. To truly become an insider, it is of utmost importance to be through with these terms. However, technical jargon and insider lingo might not be a thing of liking. But it is critical to smoothly function within the industry.
In fact, most of these acronyms are more standard than their original forms. However, mugging up all of these terms may not be quite practical. Most of them, you memorize them with time. But there are a few basic terms that you need to know before-hand. This is why; we have put together a list of…
20 ‘must know’ digital marketing acronyms for 2021

#1. SEO- Search Engine Optimization
Unless you are a complete noob, you’d know what search engine optimization is. It implies optimizing your website in a way that it ranks high on SERPs.
#2. SERP- Search Engine Result Page
When doing search engine optimization, this term is thrown around all the time. Search Engine Result Page is the web page that occurs after you run an internet search. The SERP contains all the results for your query. When we talk about search engine ranking, we’re basically talking about at what position on the SERP does our website appear.
#3. SMM- Social Media Marketing
SMM implies marketing one’s business/brand/product on social media platforms. Social Media Marketing being an important part of digital marketing, it is an important term to know.
#4. BR- Bounce Rate
When a person visits your website but goes back to the SERP without clicking anywhere on your webpage, it means the visitor bounced without engaging with your website. This adds to your website’s bounce rate.
#5. B2B- Business to Business
B2B implies those interactions and transactions that take place between two businesses. In this case, the customer is not a consumer but a business.
#6. B2C- Business to Customer
B2C implies those transactions and interactions that take place between a business and a consumer. In this case, the customer is the consumer.
#7. CMS- Content Management System
A platform that is used to manage, create, and modify digital content is called a content management system. It is often used in its abbreviated form CMS.
#8. DNS- Domain Name System
The function of a domain name system is to translate the domain and hostnames to IP addresses. It is like a phone book for the internet.
#9. HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
The standard markup language for documents to be displayed on web browsers is known as HTML. CSS and JavaScript generally assist it.
#10. XML- eXtensible Markup Language
XML is derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Unlike HTML, it helps store and organize data rather than specifying its display.
#11. PPC- Pay Per Click
PPC is an online advertising model. In this model, the advertiser pays the publisher only when someone clicks on his/her ad. Hence, Pay ‘Per Click.’
#12. CPC- Cost Per Click
Cost per click is another important term in the PPC advertising model. It signifies the price an advertiser pays to the publisher for every click his/her ad receives.
#13. ROI- Return on Investment
ROI signifies the returns you get on your marketing investment. Calculating ROI helps ascertain how successful your digital marketing campaign has been.
#14. CTR- Click Through Rate
CTR is a metric to measure the number of clicks a link receives per number of impressions. Simply put, it tells the ratio of the clicks received on a specific link to the total number of people who saw it.
#15. CTA- Call to Action
CTA refers to a word, phrase, or a button that, upon being clicked, prompts immediate action. It is an important element of a website. CTA helps the visitor take a specific action like making the purchase, signing up, and so on.
#16. KPI- Key Performance Indicator
KPI is a measurable value that helps evaluate the success of a particular project. Different digital marketing and advertising campaigns use different KPIs to measure their effectiveness and efficiency. Moreover, it helps you understand the performance and health of your business.
#17. DM- Direct Message/Mail
This is a popular acronym on the internet, especially on social media. For social media marketing, it is an important term to be aware of. It implies sending or receiving a message on a particular platform.
#18. GA- Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a service offered by Google. It provides important statistics and tools for digital marketing and SEO. Anyone with a Google account can avail it.
#19. UVP- Unique Value Preposition
Another name for UVP is USP (Unique Selling Proposition). UVP tells how your product is unique from that of your competitors in the same field.
#20. UX- User Experience
UX is the experience based on the interaction that a user has with a website. Different elements of a website like a layout, design, navigation, color, actions, and the likes work together to create the user experience.
Final Word
To master a field, it is imperative to master its language. The same goes for digital marketing. Therefore, we have listed some of the most commonly used acronyms in this field. In fact, for most terms here, their acronyms are more standard. The list has some of the very basic terms that you must know to even begin with digital marketing. So whether you are a new online business owner or a budding marketer, make sure to mug it all up.
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