At the dusk of autumn, all the major shopping sites get their “Black Friday Sale” boards up. Even if you don’t know what Black Friday Deals are, the term will not sound unheard of because when it’s time, it’s literally everywhere. At this time of the year, all the online stores activate their internet marketing, email marketing and social media marketing with full force. But before getting to the top 5 ways to promote Black Friday Deals, Lets understand-

What’s so special about deals on Black Friday?
Black Friday is the name for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day is a popular shopping time as it marks an unofficial beginning of Christmas. But Black Friday Deals are not popular only due to Christmas. It also becomes a suitable time for shopping for other reasons as well. Black Friday Deals not only give customers an opportunity to buy products at discounted rates but it also helps companies to clear and refresh their old stock. In countries like India, major online stores have altered the original schedule of Black Friday Deals in accordance to major festivals of India. Most of the Indian online stores tend to align their “Black Friday Deals” with Diwali, Independence Day, etc. For the most part, Black Friday Deals are basically like festive season sales but on a grand level.
How to tap on Black Friday market
As a marketer, it is important to do proper market research in order to understand the pattern of Black Friday shopping season in your concerned country and region to correctly align your big-move with the most profitable time of the year. Once this basic foundation is laid, the next step is to form a marketing strategy. Here, we have sorted out-
Top 5 ways to promote Black Friday Deals
#1. Have an All Year Active Landing Page
For those readers who don’t know what a Landing Page is-
A Landing Page is an important component of Digital Marketing for online stores. It is a standalone web page made specifically for marketing and advertising. It is where the visitor “lands” when he/she clicks on the hyperlink put in Promotional Emails sent by the company or posted in its Advertisements anywhere on the internet.
This is a good strategy in the short run and a great one in the long run. To have a specific Landing Page dedicated to Black Friday Deals all the year can help you build your email list and attract a decent traffic at the time of the sale. You can jazz up the page by adding a Subscribe button to it.
#2. Make an event out of it
Step up your marketing game and make an event out of your Black Friday Sale. Create a Facebook event and share it on all other social media platforms. Keep your website and social media handles updated and hyperactive. Make it a point to use hashtags to expand your reachability. Keep popping up in your customers’ news feed and email-box through social media marketing and advertising emails. Keep making reminder posts for your Black Friday Deals. Starting a public countdown for your BFD can be an awesome tactic. Basically, to make it grand, you have to make it look grand.
#3. Create Discount Coupons and Discount Codes
Giving away Discount Coupons and Discount Codes is a key move for both online and offline stores to promote their special deals and sales. However, there are a few things to take care of while giving away such coupons and codes. Publicly posting a Discount Code/Coupon on your website would be pretty useless as it would undermine it’s value. The best way to make most of it would be to send out such codes and coupons through promotional mails. This leaves an impression on the customer that he/she is getting particular attention and special treatment. Besides online media, giving away discount coupons alongside pamphlets or by tying up with other businesses can be a cool idea. Also note that Black Friday Deals can be a great opportunity to attract new customers as well. So, make sure to make tempting discount coupons and codes for the first time buyers.
#4. Make a Chatbot
Customers are usually a bit hesitant while switching to/trying out a new brand and they have many questions and queries. Having a Chatbot can help turn your potential customers into buyers. You can place one Chatbot greeting the visitors on your Black Friday Deals Landing Page. Through this, you can not only assist your customers but also give them their personal discounts. It can be a great tool for marketing as well. For example, your Chatbot can explain to the customers the benefits of subscribing to your website while providing them with a subscribe button right in the chat box. This would come much more handy for the customers than to redirect them to some different page.
#5. Introduce new products and services
We have already mentioned that Black Friday Deals is a good time to refresh your stock. Let’s talk about how it can help you promote your Black Friday Deals. Syncing your Clearance Sale with your New Arrivals Sale can be a great idea. It will not only help you update your stock but will also help your store have a fresh look and feel. On top of that, you will save yourself the extra effort in marketing your New Arrivals Sale. This will help build an additional hype for your Black Friday Deals.
Broadly, above are some of the best marketing strategies for Black Friday Deals that we have summed up for you. However, all of these might not be directly applicable to your business. Look up for companies in your industry that have successfully applied these methods to understand what suits you the best.
For more marketing related tips and articles, keep in touch with us. Till then keep reading and keep sharing.