I recently sent an email to the client Credo (I know for a while) who contacted me because she has Digital Marketing Agency in Bournemouth reached a certain point in his business turned on SaaS and ready to investigate working with a professional marketer to help him evolve through a great SEO and content marketing.
We introduced him to two SaaS SEO agencies are well-focused on the budget, as discussed by the founders on the phone.
Ultimately though, the founders decided to hire someone locally that they meet privately with family members. People they hire as though having SEO experience and are good at it, although this has not been verified Credo.
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Actually, this happens quite often.
Companies that want to hire a marketing providers will often prefer to go with a local agency on agents located elsewhere. In fact, Google almost seemed to encourage this with their results for a generic request such [seo institute] that shows local results based on your location:
I will note that the demand for such [e-commerce seo agency] does not really give you local results and no map pack:
But hiring a consultant / locally-based agencies a good idea?
As recently I heard someone say, I would be a good consultant and say “it depends”.
In this post I will outline the pros and cons, in experience and in my opinion, from hiring local marketing providers to assist you with your business.
There is really a reason to do so, but there are just as many situations where it does not matter or it could even be a bad decision.
Local vs. Remote vs. outsourcing
Before we get into the pros and cons of renting locally based marketing provider, let’s define some terms.
Often, painted dichotomy is between what I call “locally based” and “outsourcing.”
A locally based marketing provider is a person / company within your local. I live in Denver, and locally based marketing provider if someone in the Denver metro area.
A “outsourcing” providers are most often used to describe someone overseas. So for me, “outsourcing” would be someone who is not a provider in the United States and usually someone in India, the Philippines, or similar.
But there is a third type that we need to bring into the conversation, the idea of remote company or agent.
With the “remote”, I mean someone / a company in the midst of a “local-based” and “outsourcing.” It will be a company or a consultant based in the same country you / market, but not necessarily in your metro area. A business in San Francisco working with a consultant in Atlanta because it will be, for the purposes of this article, in collaboration with the “remote” consultant.
(Potential) pro hire locally based marketing provider
Pro rented locally based marketing providers include:
easier to have in-person meetings;
local knowledge and local connections to businesses based;
could be cheaper than someone elsewhere, depending on the location;
potentially faster communication.
Let us enhance each in order.
In-person meetings are easy (er)
If you hire someone in your area, then you may be able to meet with them in-person more often than if you hire someone who is not in your physical proximity. A local provider may be able to come to your office to your field or go on, can take you to lunch, and may even know people with you who can vouch for them.
This is not always true, and the best institutions recognize that there is a sunk cost with in-person meetings. Unless your budget with them is substantial (compared to their other clients), you probably will not get more attention from other clients just because you are a local.
local knowledge and connections
A locally based marketing provider has local knowledge and may have a local connection who can help Digital Marketing Company Bournemouth them get more attention your company faster than providers based somewhere else can.